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Tuesday, 27 November 2012


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Notorious for striking fear into the hearts of even the most self-confident, interviews are a genuine opportunity for candidate and prospective employer to weigh each other up.
  • Immaculate presentation is essential, but gauge the formality of the company before donning your three-piece.
  • Do some preparation, but remember that the interview is about you and not what you know about the organisation.
  • Select a few relevant facts instead, and explain how your experience is appropriate for the requirements of the job.
  • Don't be afraid to enthuse about your achievements, but be honest and never name-drop.
  • Always ask questions; they provide a good opportunity for creating a more natural conversation and assessing the chemistry between you.
  • Thank the interviewer warmly.
  • Whatever the outcome, your response should be gracious. Never burn bridges.

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Native English Spain is dedicated to make learning English simple, fun and affordable for Spanish people.


  1. I would add one more tip: be enthusiastic about the duties you will carry out without being freak.


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