DEFINITIONverb [ with obj. ]
link; connect: the tap was joined to a pipe |join the paragraphs together .• become linked or connected to: where the River Drave joins the Danube.• [ no obj., with adverbial ] unite to form one entity or group: they joined up with local environmentalists | countries join together to abolish restrictions on trade.• become a member or employee of: she joined the department last year.• take part in: I joined the demonstration | [ no obj. ] : I joined in and sang along.• [ no obj. ] (join up) become a member of the armed forces: her brothers joined up in 1914.• come into the company of: after the show we were joined by Jessica's sister.• support (someone) in an activity: I am sure you will join me in wishing him every success.

nouna place or line where two or more things are connected or fastened together.
join battle formal begin fighting.join the club.join forces combine efforts.join hands hold each other's hands. • work together: education has been shy to join hands with business.
joinable adjective
ORIGIN Middle English: from Old Frenchjoindre, from Latin jungere ‘to join’.
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