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Tuesday 18 June 2013

Word for the day: stretcher

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stretcher /ˈstretʃ.ər/                                                     *camilla (en Español)



a framework of two poles with a long piece of canvas slung between them, used for carrying sick, injured, or dead people.2 a wooden frame over which a canvas is spread and tautened ready for painting.• with modifier ] a rod or frame used for expanding or tautening a specified thing: sail stretchers.3 a rod or bar joining and supporting chair legs.• a board in a boat against which a rower presses the feet for support.4 a brick or stone laid with its long side along the face of a wall.archaic, informal an exaggeration or lie.

verb [ with obj. ]carry (a sick or injured person) somewhere on a stretcher: their striker had to be stretchered off following a tackle.

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