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Tuesday 23 July 2013

Word for the day: hill

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hill |hɪl|                                                                                *colina (en Español)
DEFINITIONnouna naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain.• a sloping stretch of road: they were climbing a steep hill in low gear.• a heap or mound of something: a hill of sliding shingle.

verb [ with obj. ]
form (something) into a heap.• bank up (a plant) with soil.
PHRASESa hill of beans with negative ] N. Amer. informal a thing of little value: the problems of one old actor don't amount to a hill of beans.over the hill informal old and past one's best.
ORIGIN Old English hyll, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Latin collis andGreek kolōnos hill.

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