DEFINITIONnoun1 a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.• (also storm system )an intense low-pressure weather system; a cyclone.• a wind of force 10 on the Beaufort scale (48–55 knots or 55-63 mph).• a heavy discharge of missiles or blows: two men were taken by a storm ofbullets.2 [ usu. in sing. ] a tumultuous reaction; an uproar or controversy: the book caused a storm in South America | she has been at the center of a storm concerning payments.• a violent or noisy outburst of a specified feeling or reaction: the disclosure raised a storm of protest.3 (storms) storm windows.4 a direct assault by troops on a fortified place.
verb1 [ no obj. ] move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction: she burst into tears and stormed off | he stormed out of the house.• [ with direct speech ] shout (something) angrily; rage: “Don't patronize me!” she stormed.• move forcefully and decisively to a specified position in a game or contest: he barged past and stormed to the checkered flag.2 [ with obj. ] (of troops) suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force: Indian commandos stormed a hijacked plane early today | (as nounstorming) : the storming of the Bastille.3 [ no obj. ] (of the weather) be violent, with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow: whenit stormedin the day, I shoveled the drive before Harry came home.
go down a enthusiastically received by an audience.the calm (or lull ) before the storma period of unusual tranquility or stability that seems likely to presage difficult times.storm and stress another term for Sturm und Drang.a storm in a teacup British term for a tempest in a teapot.take something by storm(of troops) capture a place by a sudden and violent attack. • have great and rapid success in a particular place or with a particular group of people: his first collection took the fashion world by storm.—— up a stormperform the specified action with great enthusiasm and energy: the band could really play up a storm.
stormproof adjective
ORIGIN Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch storm and German Sturm, probably also to the verb stir. The verb dates from late Middle English
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