As we countdown to Christmas, here are a few puzzles to help you get through your last week... Remember to check back tomorrow for the answers. :-)
Good Luck!
Q1: A horse is tied to a 15-metre rope. There’s a pile of hay 25 metres away. Yet the horse can eat the hay. How?
Q2: What has four (or sometimes five) hands, is perfectly normal, and is nothing to do with horses?
Q3: You have twelve marbles and three bags. There are three ways you can place all the marbles into the three bags, such that each bag contains the same number of marbles. One way is to put four marbles in each bag. What are the other two ways?
Q4: A man suddenly decides to quit his job. So he turns off the lights and goes to bed. As a direct result of this, 200 people die. Why?
Q5: Two friends – Mr Tall and Mr Short – live together. They want to put a spare key near their house, in case they get locked out. They decide to hide one on top of the back doorframe.
Unfortunately, neither man is tall enough to reach the top of the doorframe on his own, so neither can reach the key! Their only option is for Mr Tall to stand on Mr Short’s shoulders so he can reach it.
But why’s that their only option? Why doesn’t Short stand on Tall, since their combined heights are the same either way?
Q6: How can you cut a round cake into eight equal pieces, using only three cuts? In fact, can you find two ways to do it?
Q7: A man orders a coffee in a restaurant. But he sees it has a fly in it. He asks the waitress to change his coffee for a fresh one. She takes it back to the kitchen.
She reappears, bringing him a new, hot coffee in a different cup, saying ‘Here you are, sir. I’ve made you a fresh cup’. But, after taking one sip, he says ‘this is my old drink. You’ve just poured it into a new cup’
And he’s right. How did he know?
Q8: Ten teenagers are discussing their part-time jobs. They want to know the average hourly wage, but they don’t feel comfortable disclosing how much money they each make. Using only a calculator, how can they calculate the average pay whilst keeping their individual wages secret?
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